Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Fundraiser aims to help family of slain New Haven teen with funeral expenses

By Ryan Flynn
Register Staff
NEW HAVEN >> An online fundraiser to help pay for the costs of slain 16-year-old Jericho Scott’s funeral and memorial service has raised more than $12,000 in seven days.
Scott’s aunt, Cheyenne Leigh, organized the GoFundMe for the Wilbur Cross High School student who was killed April 19 in a drive-by shooting on Exchange Street.
“He was very caring,” Leigh said, “and funny like a comedian. He had a very positive personality, always smiling.”
As of Monday, 332 people had donated a combined $12,340. The goal amount is $20,000. The money will help offset the costs of Scott’s funeral and memorial, which hundreds attended at Ebenezer Chapel on Saturday. Leigh said she was pleasantly surprised with the outpouring of support.

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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Police work to help drug endangered youth

STATE- Governor Dannel P. Malloy has proclaimed April 22, 2015, as Drug Endangered Children Awareness Day.
The Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, Division of State Police, and its community partners recognize drug-endangered children as youth who are at risk of suffering physical or emotional harm as a result of illegal drug use, possession, manufacturing, cultivation or distribution by their caretakers.  They may also be children whose caretaker's substance misuse interferes with his/her ability to parent and provide a safe and nurturing environment.  
 The State Police, working in a collaborative effort with other state and local agencies, is committed to identifying children at risk and ensuring services are made available to these families to break the intergenerational cycle of abuse.
 The State Police accomplishes this in part through its participation in the Connecticut Alliance for Drug Endangered Children, a collaborative of nine state agencies and the Connecticut Police Chiefs Association, which strives to improve the outcomes of drug-endangered children and youth. 
A recognition that “Children + Drugs = Risk” is the keystone of the collaborative approach to the work with drug-endangered children that includes families, community providers, DCF, law enforcement, other state agencies, faith-based organizations and other entities, providing services and support to those children at risk. If you suspect that a child is being abused or neglected please contact the DCF Careline at 1-800-842-2288.   Visit the National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children's web site at http://www.nationaldec.org


Monday, April 20, 2015

Guilford-based Kids HUGS helps children cope with having a sick parent

Nola Lai with her mom, Julie Cron, both of Guilford, doing a collage project with Kids HUGS. contributed photo

By Akaya McElveen
Register Staff

GUILFORD >> Amy Fenollosa is a parent who understands the importance of having resources available for her young children who lost their father to cancer. So when there weren’t any resources available, she created her own.
When Fenollosa’s two sons were young, their father, Nathaniel, was diagnosed with cancer.
Fenollosa said she and her husband tried their best to explain their situation to the two boys and even tried searching for resources, but came up short. After Fenollosa’s husband died in 2011, she knew her children needed support.

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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

USS Oklahoma Pearl Harbor vet coming home to family

By Luther Turmelle
Register Staff
GUILFORD >> A Pearl Harbor veteran whose remains have laid comingled in four or five caskets with 22 other sailors will be disinterred and returned home after more than 70 years, according to U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal.
Third Class Fireman Edwin Hopkins, who in 1943 originally was buried in Halawa Naval Cemetery, Plot K, Grave 1048, and then transferred to the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific — called the “Punchbowl” — in 1949 was among those designated as “unknown.”

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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Celebration, fundraiser set to honor slain Milford girl a year later

By Pam McLoughlin
MILFORD >> Not a day goes by that Elena Garet doesn’t think about slaying victim Maren Sanchez and how the Jonathan Law student made the world a much brighter place.
And Garet, who thought of Maren like a daughter, is not alone.
“The kids (at Law) are suffering. This is a life-changing event for them. A life-changing event for this town,” Garet said. “I look around and see her pictures (in the house) and it’s hard to wrap our arms around it a year later.”
The one-year anniversary of Maren’s death, April 25, is fast approaching and while it will be a sad day, the community will use it to honor Maren’s memory with a day of activities that Maren would have loved.

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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Events planned for National Crime Victims' Rights Week

HARTFORD - State Victim Advocate Natasha M. Pierre has announced several upcoming events for National Crime Victims' Rights Week, which is observed nationwide from April 19 to 25.
This years’ theme is “Engaging Communities – Empowering Victims.”
“It is important to recognize this national celebration” Pierre said. “This is the perfect opportunity to unite and bring awareness to our communities surrounding the services available to crime victims in the state of Connecticut."
On Monday, April 20, in Berlin, a free Prot-tekt self-defense workshop is open to anyone 16 years of age or older. Pro-tekt is a personal protection program which adopts multiple strategies to fight violence and crime. It is not a course on fighting techniques, rather a program that teaches defensive skills. For more information and registration visit www.ct.gov/ova.
On Sat., April 25, the Office of The Victim Advocate is hosting a 5k Run/Walk to engage our communities and empower victims at The Bushnell Park in Hartford.
Runners, walkers, family and friends are encouraged to attend.
Take part in the walk, visit the vendors and informational booths or share in the activities for the family. For registration information please visit www.ct.gov/ova.
If you wish to participate in any of the planned events please contact the Office of The Victim Advocate at 860-550-6632. 
