In the wake of the recent shooting death of Svetlana Bell in New Fairfield during a domestic dispute, the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence is urging individuals to seek help if needed.
"We encourage anyone who is dealing with, or has concern about someone in an abusive relationship to seek help - any time of the day or night - we are here for you," said Pat Zachman, Executive Director, Women's Center of Greater Danbury, in a press release.
"The tragic death of Svetlana Bell underscores the need to facilitate conversations about healthy relationships in our homes, communities and workplaces," said Karen Jarmoc, coalition executive director.
Bell's husband, Robert Bell, has been charged with manslaughter in connection with her death.
The coalition's member agencies provide a network of emergency and support services including, but not limited to, safety planning, emergency shelter, 24-hour crisis intervention, counseling, support groups and court advocacy. These services are all confidential and free of charge.
If you or someone you know needs help, call the statewide toll-free hotline at (888) 774-2900 to be connected to a local domestic violence agency in your area, including the Women's Center of Greater Danbury, which can be reached at (203) 731-5206.
Labels: domestic violence